Our holistic mental health model respectfully incorporates the biochemistry of the body, the psychology of the mind, and the effervescence of the spirit. Mental Health Care, Ayurvedic Therapies, and
Wellness professionals collaborate using evidence-based practices and consultation that helps clients move towards their best selves and away from decades of pain that they are holding. This pain can show up as depression, anxiety, PTSD, despair, addiction, insomnia, chronic pain, health issues, or unfulfilling relationships.Compassionate professionalism is our foundation. A compassionate heart combined with science and professional therapeutic skills are at the core of our holistic mental health philosophy. Our values at Eden Therapy Center are that recovery and healing are possible for all; our bodies and our minds are connected and should be treated concurrently; and our clinic is a safe space. Eden Therapy Center is a place where clients and colleagues feel supported, encouraged and respected in a loving and safe environment. We are LGBTQ+ allied and practice cultural humility and culturally inclusive care.