Integrative Medicine is the combination of the best of western medicine with the most effective early healing therapies from around the world. Much current research supports the use of varieties of therapies for a holistic approach to the healing process. Renowned medical centers such as the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota Medical Center are blending medical science with mindfulness and natural healing to generate progressive recoveries for a wide range of illness and disease.
Our world medicines come from China, where there are centuries of the healing traditions of acupuncture, shiatsu massage and Qigong movement therapy. From India, we have learned to appreciate mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. Physicians in 17th century Germany developed homeopathic medicine, which is widely used today. And from the Middle East, we have been instructed about healing touch, the laying on of hands and the use essential oils such as frankincense and myrrh. All these restorative methods blend safely with the oversight of a medical doctor and a team of experts who counsel each client toward holistically addressing their specific wellness needs.